地址/Address:广西壮族自治区 南宁市 横县 新桥村委六轭村
我们是/We are:生产商/Manufacturer
展品范围/Exhibiting Products Group:香料香精及应用/Fragrance and essence as well as application
展品中部分产品/服务适用的观众分类,Applicable audience categories for some of the products / services in the exhibit:
食品饮料企业/Food and beverage enterprises
展位号/Your stand:G11
我们是/We are:生产商/Manufacturer
展品范围/Exhibiting Products Group:香料香精及应用/Fragrance and essence as well as application
展品中部分产品/服务适用的观众分类,Applicable audience categories for some of the products / services in the exhibit:
食品饮料企业/Food and beverage enterprises
展位号/Your stand:G11