
时间:2024年7月29-31日 地点:上海世博展览馆(H2馆)



天津寰宇香谭网络科技有限公司 (2).png

  • 主要产品/Main products

  • 香气教育平台
  • 产品产地/Product origin
  • 天津
  • 请介绍公司服务和展品(字数在200字以内): /Products/Services/Exhibits to be listed in official catalogue (In 200 words or less)
  • 天津寰宇香谭网络科技有限公司是国内首家以香气知识为核心的内容生产商,秉承“以澄明之心,传递芬芳”的发展理念,以“香气”为核心,构建香气产品、香气知识教育、香气疗愈实体加盟三位一体的中国首个香气产业生态矩阵平台。

    Tianjin Global Aroma Network Technology Co., Ltd is the first domestic manufacturer centered by aroma knowledge. It carries on the idea that aroma spread should be done with an initial heart with aroma accords at its core. It focuses on aroma products, education and treatment, which forms a trinity matrix platform.
    The company aims to help millions of Kochi women use power of aromas to set up a bright future, curing with aromas and powered by it. It self-develops an app, Aromuseum, which collects top class experts on aroma curing and perfumery to provide users with the most frontier knowledge, contents and products.