楼主:186****2406 时间:04-16 11:44 点击:1045 回复:0 收藏精油的化学分子从中枢神经系统下降到周围神经区域后,激发自在神经系统、交感神经系统和副交感神经系统,产生升降作用,从而出现情绪的升降或解决血压升降、便秘和腹泻问题。
在脑细胞中,神经元通过神经传导物质将信号传导到下一级神经元。每种神经传导物质,都有其主导的情感范围,例如:内啡肽产生兴奋感,血清素产生幸福感,褪黑色素催眠,缩胆囊素产生满足感,多巴胺产生愉悦感,催产素产生恋爱感等等。 精油作为神经影响因子(Neuropeptides)对大脑和神经系统有作用和影响。例如:香紫苏(亦称快乐鼠尾草)和依兰依兰精油作用在下丘脑,可以产生内啡肽,提高性欲和镇痛;玫瑰和茉莉精油作用在丘脑时,产生脑啡肽,可以释放压力,增强自信;椒样薄荷和迷迭香精油刺激海马体,传导肾上腺素,可加强专注度和记忆力;真薰衣草和洋甘菊类精油能影响中缝核(Raphe nuclei),释放血清素,让头脑冷静。 精油包含很多不同化学成分,化学组分比例也不同。例如,相对于其他精油,真薰衣草含有高比例的乙酸芳樟醇酯(linalyl acetate),因此真薰衣草精油化学反应在人体上,有镇静和放松作用。 精油对免疫系统作用时,影响因子(cytokine)作用于下丘脑和脑垂体,产生诸如IL-1,IL2,IL6, TNF等前脑垂体激素,激活HPA轴(下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴),抑制生长荷尔蒙。炎症和压力通常会诱发荷尔蒙的变化,例如:皮质醇增多症(hypercortisolism)、正常甲状腺病态综合症(euthyroid sick syndrome)、性腺功能减退症(hypogonadism)、醛固酮增多症减退症(hypoaldosteronism,中文无准确译名,译者注)。 芳香按摩和水疗对于缓解疲劳、紧张和压力,(和通过嗅觉)一样,对人体有效果。芳香淋巴排毒按摩,对于水浮肿非常有效;瑞式指压对于增强循环效果好。 因此,芳香疗法依托不同的代谢途径,对人体健康有益。例如:如果是心理状况,用吸入法或香薰法;如果是身体疼痛,用精油混合乳霜和植物油,使用按摩方法。 利用芳香疗法治疗一些疾病,已经在医院里广泛应用。在美国纽约的SLOAN KATTERING癌症中心,就使用很多包括芳香疗法在内的替代疗法。 许多精神障碍,如失眠症、焦虑症、恐慌症,都可以用芳香疗法进行有效治疗。 身体疾病方面,芳香疗法也起到很好的作用。譬如心脏手术后,结合芳香疗法可以很快从手术后遗症中恢复。 我可以介绍几种有代表性的精油,这些精油可以影响神经系统,对于医治精神和身体障碍有帮助。 橘皮精油对于失眠、压力、抑郁有效; 茶树精油有很强的杀菌作用,也是我们熟识的精油,能加强免疫力和调养提振神经系统; 罗马洋甘菊精油是最棒的缓解失眠和抑郁的精油,同时又放松和减缓压力的作用; 真薰衣草精油是最为人熟知也非常安全的精油。其化学组分非常安全,几乎无毒性,可以用于精神和身体障碍的治疗。孕妇和儿童都可以放心使用; 甜牛至(马郁兰)精油对于神经系统有很深的影响,能令精神极度放松; 还有很多精油,如杜松莓、檀香、柠檬、依兰依兰、玫瑰等等,由于时间不够,就不多介绍了。 我们使用精油的时候,一定要考虑精油的毒性和使用的安全性。 有许多精油,它们的普通名都一样,但是植物学名却不同。 举薰衣草为例。 有很多种薰衣草,至少超过10种,普通名都是薰衣草,但是植物学名却不同。 真薰衣草的植物学名是Lavandula augustifolia,这个品种的化学组分很均衡,有足够的乙酸芳樟醇酯含量,有毒性的樟脑的含量很低;而穗花薰衣草的植物学名是Lavandula latifolia,乙酸芳樟醇酯含量低,而且樟脑含量高。所有芳疗师在使用精油时,要注意所选用的精油安全性。 最后说下我自己的芳香疗法从业经历 我一直在用芳香疗法治疗病人的精神障碍问题。我或者单独使用精油,或者和西药结合,或者和其他的替代疗法结合,取得了很多成功的案例。 抑郁症 焦虑症 失眠症 注意缺陷多动障碍症(ADHD) 恐慌症 偏头痛 孤独症 社交恐惧症 创伤后应激障碍症(PTSD) 痴呆症 强迫症 值得注意的是,一些精神障碍,如创伤后应激障碍症、恐慌症、社交恐惧症、强迫症和焦虑症,背后都隐藏着抑郁症。因此,在治疗这些精神障碍的时候,都可以加入能治疗抑郁的精油。 失眠症是现代社会中最常见的由于压力而产生的精神障碍。如果不及时治疗,加重的话会造成严重的疾病; 注意缺陷多动障碍症在临床中多见于学生、学生父母和中小学校内。使用芳香疗法很有益,但是有时也要结合其他的方法; 恐慌症目前在韩国成了社会问题,这主要是因为社会压力和职业压力造成的; 偏头痛、孤独症、痴呆、创伤后应激障碍症都和神经系统出现问题有关,已经成为社会和家庭的问题。 已完结 大脑芳香疗法(原稿) At the level of brain cell, neurons are delivered neurotransmitters from one neuron to next neurons. Each neurotransmitters act some of its dominant emotions. For examples, endorphin makes our mind to excite. Serotonin induces happiness. Melatonin guides sleep. Cholecystokinine leads sufficiency. Dopamine generates joy. Oxytocin stimulates love feeling. There are some known aromatic essential oils where and what neuropeptides working at and effecting on. For examples, clary and ylanylang oils work at hypothalamus and producing endorphin and to increase sexuality and pain control. Rose and jasmine oils act on thalamus and make enkephalin and to relieve depressive mood and increase self confidence. Peppermint and rosemarry oils stimulate hippocampus to deliver adrenalin and lead to increase concentration and memory. Lavender and chamomile oils influence on raphe nuclei and release serotonin and to set mind balance and harmony. Each aromatic essential oils has many chemical ingredients with different proportional ratios. For examples, lavender essential oil has more highly linalyl acetate ratio than other oils. It means lavender oil acts chemically on our body more sedating and relaxing effects. Regarding to immune system, cytokine works on hypothalamus and pituitary gland and produce anterior pituitary hormone, like IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, TNF and it activates HPA axis (hypothalamic- pituitary-thyroid) and inhibits growth hormone. Inflammation and other stress condition commonly induce hormonal changes, like hypercortisolism, hyperreninemia hypoaldosteronism, euthyroid sick syndrome and hypogonadism. (M.R. Irwin / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 22 (2008) 129-139) Aromatherapy massage and spa has also same effects on body. It removes fatigue, tension and stress. Aromatic lymph drainage massage is much effective to edema state. Swedish massage generally helps to enhance circulation. So aromatherapy is beneficial by depending on its metabolic pathway. For examples, if some mental condition, like insomnia or depression then to use oils by vaporization or inhalation. If it is necessary to relief bodily pain, then use oils by skin massages and lotions. Aromatherapy is well used to cure some diseases in hospitals. Many modalities of Alternative medicine including aromatherapy have been used to treat patients at Sloan Kattering Cancer Center in N.Y Most of mental disorders, like anxiety disorder, panic disorder are good indications for aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is also good for other physical disorders, like cardiac surgery as for fast recovery from surgical sequelaes. I would like to introduce some representative aromatic essential oils useful to affect nervous system and helpful to cure mental and physical disorders. Mandarin is common and easy oil to use for insomnia,stress and Depression.Melaleuca alternifolia, common name, Eucalyptus has highly strong antiseptic effects and also is very common and familial oil to energizing and neurotonic with enhancing immunity. Roman Chamomile oil is one of best for insomnia and depression.Also it is good for relaxation and stress relief. Lavender is most common and safe aromatic essential oil for mental problems also for physical sufferings.It is most safe oil chemically and very rare toxicity so it is easy to use for children and pregnant women. Marjoram is very deeply working to functions of nervous system, so itinduces powerful and strong relaxation. There are other more essentials, like Junifer berry, Sandalwood,Lemon, Ylanylang, Rose. But I have no time to explain it so I will skip When we use aromatic essential oils in some medical conditions, wemust be attention of its toxicity and safety. For examples, the general name, lavender is so many, may be over ten kinds, but its Latin name is different. Latin name Lavandula anguistifolia(or true lavender) is one of best oil because of its chemical ingredient is well properly composed as you seeing in the picture, enough proportion of linalyl acetate and very few camphor which is toxin. But Latin name lavandula latifolia but same lavender in general name has not sufficient percentage of linalyl acetate and too much toxic camphor in it. This is one of world wide famous certified essential oil mark. Organic and 100% pure eco oils should be chosen for avoiding danger So aromatherapist should be alert to check whether essential oils are safe or not. Last part of this lecture,I will talk my experience of aromatherapy in my clinic. Here are cases of my practice of aromatherapy specially for mental disorders. I have been used aromatic essential oils to my patients alone or combining with medication(drugs) and other alternative modalities. I will show my prescriptions of aromatic essential oils for each conditions, like, Depression, Insomnia, ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), Panic disorder and Migraine, Autism, Social phobia, PTSD, Dementia. Depression is fundamental and common background of most mental problems, like PTSD, Panic disorder, Social phobia, OCD, Anxiety disorder. So essential oils for depression are also useful for other mental disorders. Some oils among such essential oils are chosen with proper ratio for depression.