Essential oils: natural and vegetable oils: not as simple as base oils (1) does not mean no risk
Landlord:17600603718 time:12-14 10:51 Click:967 Reply:0 CollectionIn the application of aromatherapy, vegetable oil is not only the basic medium oil used as essential oil, but also its powerful efficacy and relatively safe characteristics. It is often directly treated by oral and skin massage to treat illness and body care.
There are dozens of vegetable oils involved in aromatherapy. First, we will share the three vegetable oil varieties from the names of vegetable oils, oral effects, topical effects and cosmetic applications.
First: Jojoba Oil Jojoba
Latin name: Simmondsia chinensis
Family name: Buxaceae
1. Oral effect:
Jojoba's seeds are known for their appetite suppression. This oil is not easily decomposed by the digestive juice and therefore has a more direct effect on the intestines. Experiments have shown that feeding jojoba oil to mice can cause changes in tissue and enzyme activity in the small intestine of mice, which may hinder all dietary absorption.
2. Topical efficacy:
Jojoba oil contains an anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatory myristic acid, so this oil is helpful for arthritis and rheumatism. Good for all types of skin. Good for dry scalp. It can treat psoriasis and eczema. Conditioning sunburn. Treats strong skin and diaper rash.
The molecular structure of jojoba oil is similar to sebum, so it is beneficial for sebum to have a therapeutic effect on acne. Control excessive sebum accumulation to prevent sebum hyperplasia.
There is evidence that jojoba oil can penetrate the skin. Photographs have been shown that jojoba oil can accumulate in the hair follicles at the base of the hair and penetrate the filter wall into the stratum corneum.
3. Cosmetics use:
Jojoba oil moisturizes hair and is a great ingredient in many soaps and shampoos. It is also very beneficial after use after hair removal. It balances the skin's acid sebum film and is suitable for both dry and oily skin. Based on its non-greasy, good lubricity, the beauty industry uses oxidized jojoba oil (jojoba oil remains solid until the temperature rises to 65 ° C, which is second only to palm wax) to make lotions, lotions, Soap and lipstick; it forms a solid with other waxes to maintain the pigments and oils in the lipstick; it also replaces petroleum wax.
Second: Sweet Almond Oil (sweet)
Latin name: Prunus dulcis
Family name: Rosaceae
1. Oral effect:
Sweet almond oil is also used as a laxative to lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood and to be used as a fat injection.
2. Topical efficacy:
It is a great softener to soothe and nourish dry skin. Helps to reduce inflammation. It relieves dryness, eczema, dermatitis and itching caused by dry skin. It can soothe allergic and inflamed skin. Soothes sunburn.
Pharmacological studies have shown that sweet almond oil can be slowly absorbed through uninjured skin. Sweet almond oil is often used for massages; especially fresh vegetable oils contain more essential fatty acids and are therefore the best choice.
3. Cosmetics use:
Sweet almond oil is a skin softener for cosmetic and pharmaceutical use.
Third paragraph: Coconut oil Coconut oil
Latin name: Cocos nucifera L
Branch name: Palmae (Palmae)
1. Oral effect:
Coconut oil contains medium chain length triglycerides (mainly C12 and C14) which can be used in the diet of patients with fibrocysts. This is because high levels of medium chain fatty acids make coconut oil more easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be used as a suppository because it softens and melts at body temperature.
2. Topical efficacy:
Because of the emollient effect of coconut oil, it is often used in the process of aromatherapy massage.
3. Cosmetics use:
Although coconut oil can make the skin smooth as silk, it may also cause rashes. It is widely used in the manufacture of emollients and hair oils because of its lubricious properties and is also used in the formulation of lipsticks and soaps. Many hair conditioners contain coconut oil because she is good for dry hair. In the tropics, the race of applying coconut oil to the hair from a young age has few problems with white hair and baldness. Coconut oil can help the sun, but it does not filter the sun's ultraviolet rays.
In general, coconut oil is not used solely as a massage oil and needs to be matched.
⚠️PS: The amount of vegetable oil directly consumed up to 5ml per day