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How is vanilla used in cooking and cooking?

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Herbs are plants that exude a unique aroma. They are also commonly used for seasoning, making spices or extracting essential oils, many of which are also of medicinal value. It is used as a seasoning spice in cooking and cooking.

1, as the main ingredient into the dish.

For example, the tender stems and leaves of arugula, dandelion, tarragon, mugwort, etc., can be directly boiled in boiling water, and then mixed with salt, sugar, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, etc., arugula, apple mint, etc. can also be used as a salad raw food. Gardenia can be used to make tea first, and then the tea tastes lighter, then the flowers are poured into the basin and mixed with sweet and sour taste. The aroma is strong and delicious. It is delicious.

2. As an ingredient.

Seasoning into the dish to add color and flavor to the dishes. Western dishes are commonly used in basil, oregano, thyme, sage, rosemary, fennel, dill, etc. to add flavor to the dishes. Japanese cuisine is often used with sashimi and sashimi, and traditional Chinese flower dishes such as Rose shrimp, chrysanthemum hot pot, etc., Yunnan commonly used lemon grass grilled fish, with mint leaf roasted egg soup, with fragrant roast beef.

Source: Internet
